When ordering from our website, please be aware that some items are available for same-day or next working day dispatch, and some items are available to order but may have a slightly longer estimated dispatch time frame.
For items available for immediate dispatch, you can expect to receive an email notification of dispatch with your tracking information provided the same or following working day.
Some items available on our site have a different dispatch time frame, allowing our customers to order from stock due into our warehouse. This ensures the item that you want will be allocated to your order as soon as it is available for dispatch, so you don't miss out.
Delivery methods and time frames are quoted for once your order proceeds to dispatch and does not affect the dispatch time frame, which is displayed on every product page under the size selection.
If you would like more information on an item you’re interested in purchasing or an order you have already made, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Our office line is open Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm and you can reach us on 0161 524 2111 or contact us via email at info@hollandscountryclothing.co.uk